Pinnacle Flying to New Heights with Social: A Business Case Study

Dec 17 2010

An interview with Eric Epperson, V.P. Culture and Communications by Amy D. Howell See and download the full gallery on posterous A few years ago, I began my journey on the social media path and ultimately began helping Pinnacle Airlines Corp. develop a strategy, policy and monitoring platform for the company.  Fast forward and we’ve come a long way although I believe this is a journey that never ends.  Social media, digital “story telling” is an evolving, dynamic and quite frankly, exciting way for companies to communicate both internally as well as externally.    Last June, Pinnacle hired Eric Epperson…

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HOW TO: Get PR value from Social Media

Dec 07 2010

Last night I had the distinct honor to be a guest–along with the super —on Marketer Monday Chat on Twitter. For those who don’t use Twitter, there are all types of interavtive, real-time chats that take place with experts from all around the world. You can ask questions, share information and experiences and meet some super sharp people. I have been a member of for awhile and I continue to gain value not only from the blogging, but from the contacts and friends I am making on the way. Without further delay…here is the link from last nights markerer chat…

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Don’t get too BIG for your Twitter Britches!

Nov 27 2010

Humility is a great quality! The more popular you get, the more down to earth you MUST be! So…here’s my list of too big for your Twitter britches: you can’t respond to your ats…you think FF & MM are stupid…you only reply to people with lots of followers…you only reply or engage when you have an agenda…you say you have so many followers that you can’t keep up…You never answer … You grab on to the *list* in the stream ~ You think your book makes you *it* ~ you want everyone to comment on your blog but you won’t…

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The Incredible Value of the TEAM

Nov 16 2010

See and download the full gallery on posterous A month ago I had the rare and exciting opportunity to help plan the announcement of Pinnacle Airlines’ corporate headquarter decision to move to downtown Memphis.  It’s not a daily or regular run of the mill thing to work on something as big as this was–and still is–for Pinnacle and downtown.  A double challenge was that we had to keep the decision quiet and out of the press until the recommendation was approved by the Board of Directors and the employees were notified. Bound by confidentiality agreements and sworn to secrecy, the team…

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10 Commandments of Online Posting

Sep 23 2010

Attention teens and parents:  A teen’s “digital footprint” starts early!  Sadly, our teens are spending more time online. I say sadly because they have the rest of their life to be online and I wish we could delay it for their own sanity and safety!   72% of teens are using some form of social media/networking. 22%  admit checking social sites at least 10 times per day.  And with mobile devices, I fear these stats will just increase.  I see it in my own house and as a parent, I am constantly telling my kids to go play outside, limiting the time they spend online and constantly talking to them about…

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True Confessions of a Tweet-a-holic

Aug 31 2010

Thank you Gautam aka @virtuosoblogger for including me in your list of “engaging” people to follow. I am always flattered to be included in great company and have chuckled all day at your description of me being a kind person spreading happiness but also a “social media-holic”…Hmmmm. Not sure how to take it any other way than a compliment (I think). I do tweet a lot but those who really know me know that I don’t excel at many other social channels barely keeping my head above water when it comes to Facebook and LinkedIn. I do love my blog…

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