Terror: If Twitter and the Internet *Went Away*

May 19 2010

Heaven Forbid Twitter and the Internet should *go away* but given the current state of *crazy* in our world, I have to ask the question.  If you think about it, BP is now saying they had no idea things could get this bad—oil spill.  Look at the banking and real estate sectors: Who would have thought our banking world would come crashing down and need Federal help. The real estate industry is not far behind. So, what makes you think our internet could not fail?  I was inspired to write this post because today, my own e-mail went down (my IT guys took awhile to fix it—grrr) for about 4 hours during *prime time*.  I quickly called and emailed (from other accounts) my clients to let them know to call me on the phone if they needed me fast (my normal “MO”).  So it got me thinking and wondering, inspiring me to post this: What if the internet went down? Here are my thoughts…..(add more please)


·         Technology is great but don’t rely on it as the conduit  (what do you rely on?)

·         Have a backup plan! What if you can’t communicate with your clients? Does it matter? Will you get paid if the internet crashes?

·         Do you have your client’s home phone numbers, cell numbers?

·         Twitter, FaceBook and YouTube won’t work if the Internet goes out, right?

·         If a cell tower near you goes out….are you prepared?

·         What is important to your clients in a crisis? What will *they* need? How can you add value?

·         Do you have back up batteries, cell phones and extra cool stuff?

·         Who would you call (I want “Ghost Buster type Geek Help”)?

·         Today I did a test and asked for phone numbers for some of my *power tweeters*..Guess what? I have a great spread sheet I’m putting together in excel in case….Thanks to all of you who trust me to store your phone number. We may need it someday.

·         Ask yourself: What would it mean to me and my business if the internet (and Twitter) vanished for a month or so…


Please feel free to “DM” me your phone and private contact information as I’m happy to keep it all confidential and not “for sale.”  This is my promise and I hope we never have online “crisis” but I fear we certainly will.  All the best, thanks for reading this and cheers to all you fun Tweeps who sent me your information. Keep it coming.  Amy


Amy Howell 

Howell Marketing Strategies, LLC

408 S. Front Street, Loft 104

Memphis, TN 38103

(901) 521-1453 office

(901) 351-7186 cell



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