Why Twitter will Kill Google + (My opinion)

Aug 18 2011

Updated: 8/19 Personally speaking,  I really hate Google Plus. I don’t understand it, I am confused by the different columns and circles…I have people I don’t know trying to circle me (I feel like sharks are there) and I don’t like the Facebook-like feel of it. I believe it’s too late for Google Plus to try and copy Facebook. 

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Jul 29 2011

         I confess. I should be writing about some new social media trend or fad–maybe even Google+.  Truth is, I’m seeing a lot of great information about that stuff out there.  What I’m not seeing? Experience in the trenches, 25 years of “stuff” that makes you what you are.  In this day of social transparency, it’s 24-7 non-stop “streams and screams” of information.  

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Staying True to your Brand

Jun 28 2011

Early this morning on Twitter while posting and conversing (my normal routine), a fellow tweeter asked me a question: How do you grow your brand yet remain true to what got you started in the first place? I told him 140 characters was too limited and that I’d think about it and do a blog post. In thinking, I have decided that in order to grow your brand and stay true to your origin, you must do the following:

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Be my guest @MarkWSchaefer: Twitter as a personal lifeline

Jun 21 2011

For those who “get ” Twitter, we already know the opportunities for personal and professional enrichment extend far beyond “what I had for breakfast.”  Twitter can help you:

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When Crisis Knocks: Being PR Savvy Through Social Media

May 24 2011

    Social media has been a game changer for PR folks across the board.  No matter what type of business or industry you are in, no matter what size of organization you are in, social media means you can run for a minute but you sure cannot hide.  I have been in PR and marketing for more than 20 years, working mostly in B2B organizations, and I have witnessed the drastic shift in how we communicate the corporate messages: good, bad, and ugly. 

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How a City let Big Media Tell its Story: Lessons learned from #Memflood

May 11 2011

  Memphis in all the big media headlines this week took our community by surprise reporting the historic flood of 2011 and showing the absolute worst pictures and images of a flood that has impacted just 1% of our City. Now I will say right here that this post is not meant to be insensitve to those who are affected.  I am writing this from a public relations perspective and from my own personal observations and experience dealing with media and crisis managment.  I think we (our whole community) underestimated the power of the national media and their ability to portray…

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